Ape Escape Terms & Conditions
General Rules
• 1 at a time on equipment: e.g 1 at a time on trampolines, 1 at a time in pits Iinflatable and foam).
• No interfering with other kids or staff (physically or verbally).
• Do not throw foam (foam tears when thrown & gets in eyes).
• No chewing gum.
• Be aware of your surroundings and other children.
• No shoes or socks for children, no shoes for adults.
• Adults: no shoes, bags, food or drink.
• Adults are not allowed on equipment especially slides or trampolines.
• Food and drinks are strictly prohibited inside the gym training area.
• No prams, baby capsules, or other items on the play floor.
• Children are to treat the gym and the equipment with care and consideration.
• Siblings cannot be left unatended anywhere on club facilities.
• You enter and play at Ape Escape at your own risk.
Gymnasics Classes
• Children must be courteous to other gymnasts and coaching staff.
• Children must listen to the coaching staff and follow instructions carefully.
• Children are not to go on any equipment in the absence of a supervising coach or without permission.
• Children may not leave their class without informing their coach.
• Spottng is to be done by coaches only. No student or parent is allowed to spot a gymnast.
• In the instance whereby a child/children are continually disruptive or interfere with others during class, a parent will be asked to supervise their child. If this fails, the child’s enrolment will be cancelled.
• You are required to notify Ape Escape if your child/children have any medical, allergies, emotional, behavioural, or physical conditions/limitations.
• Please don’t remain inside Ape Escape’s training area while class is in progress. Please watch from the parent viewing area upstairs.
• Parents and caregivers are required to remain with their children to supervise them until they go onto the floor to commence their training. Ape Escape staff are not responsible for children after class if a parent is late.
• Visitors must refrain from entering the gym training area, before, during or after classes. The viewing area upstairs is intended for all visitors.
• Siblings will not be permited to enter the gym area or participate in any class that they are not registered for.
• Before crossing any dismount mat, tumbling strip, floor exercise mat or any other apparatus, always look around for other gymnasts. Don’t cross until the way is clear.
• No shoes are to be worn in the Gym. No socks, as they can be slippery on certain surfaces. Barefoot is essential (please leave all shoes in the allocated shoe racks).
• No necklaces, bracelets, earrings or other jewellery is to be worn during training sessions.
• Hair must be pulled back, so that it is away from the face.
Toddler Play
• Do not allow kids to throw foam (foam tears when thrown & gets in eyes).
• Be aware of your surroundings and other children.
• No shoes or socks for children.
• Food and drinks are strictly prohibited inside the gym training area.
• Children aged 6-16 will NOT be allowed to enter the gym floor during a toddler play session.
Toddler Play – Adults rules
• Be kind and courteous to staff and other patrons.
• No shoes, bags, food or drink.
• Adults not allowed on equipment especially slides & trampolines.
• Don’t let other people’s children out of gate.
• No prams, baby capsules, or other items.
• Term fees must be paid in full before the commencement of the term. Details on class fees and term dates are available on our Ape Escape website.
• Ape Escape runs on a strict no fees no train policy.
• All children are enitled to make-up two classes per term depending on availability (Any make up classes can be used up within the registered term only and not within the first 2 weeks of each term). Refunds will not be provided for any classes missed during the term. We offer the flexibility for students to schedule makeup sessions for any missed classes within the same term.
• Classes or term fees are not transferable to other children.
Refunds: Refunds for the balance of term fee’s will only be given in the first 2 weeks of any given the term. Notice must be given to Ape Escape in writng. Any atended classes will be charged at $25 per class and deducted from your fee’s. Refunds will not be provided for any classes missed during the term. We offer the flexibility for students to schedule makeup sessions for any missed classes within the same term.
• Group Bookings are required to pay a deposit of 25% of the final amount. An invoice will be sent to your provided email address and requires payment within 7 days of invoice. We require an estimate of the number of children at the time of booking, if the group is less than 10 children, please phone Ape Escape. Confirmation of the number of children atending is required 1 week prior to your Group Booking, if numbers have decreased we will amend the minimum fee payable accordingly. We appreciate your help and prompt communication to ensure that we can accommodate groups where possible.
• Vacation Care Leaders and School Teachers are required on the floor during group bookings to assist in enforcing the rules outlined at the start of the session. Teachers and Leaders know children’s names and can assist in gaining individuals attention if required.
Birthday Parties
• Birthday Parties require a $100 deposit. Deposit Refunds are not given for any reason unless requested within 48 hours of making your booking. No refunds will be given after the 48 hour change of mind period.
• Party parents are responsible for final payment of all children who enter the gym floor including siblings. If you don’t wish to pay for siblings, please inform parents to pay at the front desk for additional siblings.
• Parents are required to assist children who are 3 and under.
• Children will not be allowed on the floor before or after party timeslot.